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B.1. Organisational Structures: Variety of Stakeholders

1.   Overview

This organisational structure was developed to accommodate a large number of stakeholders.  It was important to ensure that all groups had a say in the organisation while still being held accountable in way. (see table in 3. Description of accountability)


2.  Diagram of Structure


3. Description of accountability

Trustee Representation Interest Groups Members Non/Voting
Staff (3 Trustees) Field Station Staff (3 Trustees) Research Station Voting
Field Stations Non voting
Visitors (3 Trustees) Student and Research Organisations University Research (International) Voting
Scientific Institutions (International) Voting
Local schools Non voting
Nature Clubs Non voting
Tourist Industry Public Information Centres Non voting
Tourist Accommodation Non voting
Tourism – Local Governments Non voting
Land Management Geopark UN Organisation Voting
(3 Trustees) Forest Services Voting
ABC County Government Voting
Farmers 3 Counties Non voting
XYZ Enterprises Sustainable Ecosystem Management Enterprises Voting
(3 Trustees)   And Resource Stewardship EU organisation Non voting
ABC Country organisation Non voting


4.  Impact on success of organisation

The expectation is that this organisational structure will encourage:

  • Input from all groups which will ensure that all key information and learning is captured.
  • Engagement and commitment from all groups which should increase resources available.
  • Trust (transparency, mutual support and consistency) which will improve the decision making process.


5. Other notes

None at this time

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